· Initially a dressage rider, Pat’s wife, Linda ended up studying with him after seeing a video of Pat riding bridle-less. Linda saw it as her last chance to deal with her problematic horse.
· Linda dedicates most of her time to writing down what Pat teaches to enable as many people as possible to benefit from his life-changing knowledge.
· Pat lists his dislikes as negativity, dysfunction and mechanical-forceful attitudes with horses and inhumane treatment of animals.
· If he was given one wish, Pat says it would be that humans would not default to being chauvinistic, autocratic, anthropomorphic and such direct-line thinkers especially when it comes to horses.
If all of this intrigues you even more, you can meet Pat Parelli here in the UK, with the opportunity to ride with him or watch him teach 12 new students. He is holding a Master Class at Oakridge Arena, Newark, Nottinghamshire, on March 17 to 19, 2017.
Tickets for this amazing event can be found at www.parelli.com/events or contact the Parelli UK office on 0800 0234 813.